Voice it

Voice it - Mark Hill

Annabelle Homer Season 3 Episode 23

In this episode you will meet country copper and local Clare businessman, Mark Hill.

He has served as the local police officer in Clare for 25 years as well as running a driving school business for the past 17 years.

In this episode, you’ll hear Mark’s journey from being a young copper chasing stolen cars in the northern suburbs, going undercover in Adelaide brothels to  then leaving the excitement behind to become a country cop.

Though he says, Clare is a region where there’s little crime, he was still faced with many challenges being an officer in a close-knit community. 

After 25 years and at the age of 52, Mark’s ready for a change and about to embark on being a police prosecutor.

Enjoy the journey with Senior Constable First Class, Mark Hill.

What is a Police Prosecutor?
In Australia, all States and Territories (other than the Australian Capital Territory) employ Police Prosecutors to work in their summary courts. These police prosecutors are almost exclusively sworn police officers who are trained to act as advocates in summary criminal prosecutions. Some police prosecutors hold legal qualifications; however, this is not a requirement to perform the role.